Pouring orange juice is one of those things that we just do without even thinking about it. I mean, what's so hard about it? You unscrew the cap, rip off the protective seal, and pour it into a glass, right? Nope, not even close. There is actually an art to the perfect orange juice pour and it all starts with the way you hold the carton.
Thankfully the internet's smartest smarty pants, Crazy Russian Hacker, is back and this time he takes us on a magical journey on the proper way pour. You see, there is a method to the madness and the carton was actually created in a similar fashion as a motor oil quart with a spout on one side and an area to catch the backsplash on the other.
Check out the awesome advice CRH gives us in the video below and say goodbye to OJ spills forever!
Enjoy and please SHARE this awesome life hack with your friends and family!