Children battling cancer is without a doubt one of the most heartbreaking things to think about.
Whether they're 5, 10, or 25, it's incredibly disheartening to think about the battles that youthful people have to deal with every single day. No one should have to battle such a terrible disease. Seeing kids who don't even know what a healthy life is gives me a horrible feeling in my stomach.
But seeing beautiful things happen to these sick kids through foundations like Make A Wish helping their dreams come true, or just ordinary people making sure that these kids are recognized as true heroes, is always an amazing sight to see.
This is why when I heard about the "Anything Can Be" project, I knew I had to share it with as many people as I could.
This project, started by an ordinary man from Utah, is a photography project that gives kids with cancer hope. It transforms sick children into whatever they dream of being with a full set, hair, makeup and camera crew all devoted to making their special dreams come to life with photography.
There aren't many photographers that can make me cry, but this is definitely one of them.
Please SHARE this beautiful project so that more things like this can become a norm, and every kid with cancer can get to live out their own dream!