Grandmas are the best.
Whether they're doting on you and making you cookies or regaling you with tales of the "good ol' days," grandparents can be an invaluable source of joy in every person's life. For parents of youngsters, the built-in babysitting isn't too shabby a perk either!
But every now and then, a grandparent will make an innocent (and ultimately harmless) faux pas that will go down in family history for generations to come.
What happened to one mom named Tiffany is something that I'm sure will be told around her family's dinner table for years! It involves a book-loving 6-year-old girl, a well-meaning grandma, and an illustrated story that wound up being far less child-friendly than Tiffany's mother assumed it would be, based on its cover.
The book, innocuously titled If Animals Could Talk, turned out to contain quite a bit of adult language.
Scroll through to find out just what was so bad about this inappropriate book!
Thumbnail Photo: Twitter / @Tiffany1985B
[H/T: BuzzFeed]

Tiffany is a young mom with an active social media presence.
She took to her Twitter account to share a hilarious story that soon went viral.

According to BuzzFeed, Tiffany and her husband are parents to 3 kids.
Their oldest child is 6-year-old Emmersyn, who Tiffany says is already "an avid reader."
Likely wanting to encourage her granddaughter's love of reading, Tiffany's mom bought Emmersyn a new book. But it wasn't at all what she intended.

"I’m dying. My mom bought this book for my 6 year old and I just called to ask if she had actually opened the book. She hadn’t," Tiffany tweeted alongside 2 photos of the book in question.
One photo (on the left) was the cover of the book, If Animals Could Talk by Carla Butwin and Josh Cassidy.
Unbeknownst to Emmersyn's grandma, If Animals Could Talk is not, in fact, a children's book. That became clear when they flipped to the first page.

An otherwise innocent looking drawing of a chick was accompanied by the quote, "Aight, let's tear the roof off this mutha f*cka!"

Tiffany's mom, for her part, claimed that she found the book on the kids' table at their local Barnes & Noble.
That either means an employee seriously messed up restocking that day, or they played the best prank ever.

Every single page is filled with hilarious (and really inappropriate) "quotes" from various members of the animal kingdom.
My personal favorite is the kangaroo who has lost his keys in a pouch that is seemingly as bottomless as my handbag.

Tiffany and her husband weren't mad at all about the misunderstanding. In fact, they found it all hilarious.
She said that the two of them were "cracking up."

Plenty of people who read Tiffany's story felt similarly.
"Tiffany, as I wipe tears from eyes and catch my breath from laughing too hard I want to thank you for making my day," one tweeted.
Tiffany even brought the now-viral story to the attention of one of the book's authors, who commented on the situation in good humor and even offered a suggestion.
"I appreciate Granny's taste. Maybe you can regift on your 6 yr old's 18th?" writer Josh Cassidy said. "Glad it gave you some laughs. Hope you enjoy the book."
And as for Tiffany's mom — well, I'm guessing she's now going to be a bit more careful about the books she picks out for Emmersyn.

This is such a funny mix-up!
How would you react if you saw your young son or daughter reading this book by mistake?
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