Oh, grandparents; their bound to put a big smile on your face in one way or another.
Whether they are being adorable at a family gathering, telling you stories from their past or trying to keep up with all of the terrifying modern technology, grandparents are just funny people.
My grandpa was a grade A joke teller, you could count on him to crack a joke during any public gathering imaginable.
So it's only natural that any video involving a sassy grandpa would be funny/adorable — and this video definitely doesn't disappoint on that front.
At first the clip features a girl showing off a dance routine to the camera, but if you look in the background, you'll see that there are actually two shows going on.
Her grandpa, who pretends to be tidying up is actually a certified spotlight stealer — breaking out his own dance moves whenever his granddaughter turns her head back to the camera.
What a sneak! Considering his sassy dance moves on the sly, I imagine that this isn't the only prank he's pulled at the family's expense!
Check out the entire video down below — it definitely proves that a sense of rhythm, and a sense of humor doesn't fade with age.
And if you want to show this sassy spectacle to friends and loved ones, make sure to SHARE with them on Facebook.