Sometimes distance can separate you and your loved ones. As everyone grows up and creates their own little families, the distances between siblings or parents and their adult children can grow even larger.
Fortunately, technology has made it easier to communicate, see each other, and stay in touch even when we cannot physically be next to our loved ones.
And it seemed as though technology would be the only way that this grandpa would get to meet his granddaughter — until now.
He hadn't been able to get on a flight to another to state meet the newest member of him family. Finally, she ended up coming to him instead.
In the video, Grandpa approaches his front door and has no idea who to expect behind it. When he opens the door and realizes that it's his son and granddaughter, he absolutely loses it.
At first he just stands there at a total loss for words. Then he finally manages to choke out, "Oh, my goodness!"
He can't hide his emotions, and we're glad he didn't, because this moment is priceless and absolutely adorable!
As he looks at who's on the other side of the door with wide eyes and excitement, he goes on to wipe the tears from his eyes. As his son and toddler granddaughter come in through the door, Grandpa opens his arms up for a great, big hear hug.
Please SHARE this beautiful moment with all of your loved ones on Facebook!