For Robert Slusher, age is nothing but a number.
At 84 years old, the Odessa, MO, resident doesn't let it hold him back in any way, shape, or form.
In fact, Slusher works two jobs: as a school crossing guard, and as a cleaning professional for the offices of City Hall.
Unfortunately for a good man like Slusher, like many good people, bad things happen.
Last week, Slusher's beloved Chevrolet Cavalier was allegedy stolen while he was working.
"I didn't know what to think. I called [my wife] and said we better get someone to pick up the pizza because it's a long walk from here out to the Pizza Hut and my car is gone," he said.
Slusher used the car to drive to both his jobs. Without it, he would have a hard time working.
His daughter-in-law took to social media, asking her followers to keep an eye out for his car, but the outpouring of support was something she probably never expected.
News of the incident got to Jeremy Carr, owner of a small car lot. A friend asked Carr if there were any inexpensive vehicles available, as friends and family of the Slushers were trying to raise money to buy a him a new car.
Carr did them one better. He brought Slusher a brand new car, free of charge.
"All of the hard work. Him being a crossing guard, they took that away from him and now he can't get there and get around. That was the part that got me the most," Carr said.
Slusher's old car was found, but it was deemed a total loss by his insurance company.
But now, Slusher can get back to work, in some new wheels!
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