Girl With Scaly Skin Found Living In A Shed Is Transformed By A Simple Tub Of Vaseline

In many lower-income countries, there is a stigma attached to people who live with disabilities. It can be difficult for those with special needs to get the medical attention and social acceptance they truly need to function in society.

Such was the case for a young girl from Nepal named Nagina, who was born with a severe condition that made the entirety of her skin thick and scaly.

In an article written for MailOnline, writer Anna Hodgekiss flew to Nepal to document Nagina, ultimately making her amazing story go viral.

The article explains how her parents did not have the tools, financial or otherwise, to deal with their daughter's heartbreaking condition.

When medical workers finally found and rescued Nagina, she was living in a shed in a rural part of the country. She was emotionally depressed to the point she never smiled or spoke.

But these days, things are much different for Nagina, now 13 — all because of one simple tub of Vaseline.