What Are Your Two Most Prominent Psychic Abilities? Answer These Questions To Find Out!

As humans, we sometimes have abilities that are beyond what can be observed.

Similar to what's known as a "sixth sense," there is a natural kind of knowledge that comes easily to all of us. All of us have gut reactions, and none of us are fooled by our instincts.

Of course, you might be skeptical when it comes to psychic abilities. I know I was. But after taking the simple quizzes below, my answers revealed more than my strongest intuitive senses. I learned more about how these inclinations were reflected in my personality.

Psychic abilities have been observed by the Parapsychological Association, which has studied paranormal and psychic phenomena for years. The abilities that these quizzes identify mainly rely on sensory perception to comprehend feelings, physical dispositions, and the likelihood of outcomes.

Scroll further to answer questions that will reveal some insight about your personality. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

The list of possible psychic abilities:

  1. Aura reading
  2. Astral projection
  3. Clairvoyance
  4. Divination
  5. Telepathy
  6. Scrying
  7. Psychometry
  8. Animal telepathy
  9. Clairsentience
  10. Energy Manipulation
  11. Intuition
  12. Precognition

1. Discover your first psychic ability:

2. Discover your second psychic ability:

Click onto the next page to find out what your results mean. Please SHARE with family and friends if you thought they were accurate!

1. Aura Reading

Mind, Body, Spiritual Awareness

This means that you have a clear perception of the energy fields that surround people, objects, and places. You tend to be more in tune with your surrounding environment, as well as the general mood of the moment. You are a good judge of character and are very observant. You're analytical, and as your friends and family will tell you, you're often right about everything. According to Dr. Mario Varvoglis, of the Parapsychological Association, you are involved with everything that's going on around you through observation, and react with keen responses.

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2. Astral Projection


If your result was astral projection, then there's a chance you can achieve out-of-body-like experiences in which the consciousness separates from the physical body. You are a daydreamer, able to transport yourself out of any situation and into a detailed and vivid world. You lose yourself in books and movies, and you easily empathize with other people's feelings. According to Steve G. Hones, a clinical hypnotherapist, astral projection is one of the oldest ways of attaining inner peace. Through meditation, you can calm your mind and travel to a higher, alternate plane of thought. Use your powers to relax during stressful periods.

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3. Clairvoyance

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If your result was clairvoyance — the ability to sense objects or actions that are from other dimensions — then you have the power of perception that is outside the realm of human senses. This special power means that you are a natural communicator, and you're a trusted advisor to friends and family. You sometimes get "gut feelings" about what's about to happen — and often, you're right! You are in-tune with nature and the feelings of those around you.

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4. Divination

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If you got divination, this means that you have insight into a situation, often with the help of a ritual. Divination has been used by many cultures since the earliest times. The Chinese, Mayan, and Mesopotamian peoples looked to stars, constellations, and comets to understand the seasons. You tend to rely on observation of particular patterns in your life. You also prefer to follow routines and schedules to accomplish your tasks.

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5. Telepathy

zion fiction image
Flickr/r. nial bradshaw

If your result was telepathy, then you are able to mediate the communication between minds — of your own mind and another, or between other minds. Telepathy has been studied in the Western world since the late 19th century. Often, it occurs spontaneously, especially in incidents of crisis that involve a relative or a friend. You are likely to be keenly aware of the danger that others are in, or to have a sense that something will go wrong.

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6. Scrying

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If your result was scrying, then you have the ability to use an object in viewing events or situations from a distance. Rather than being super introspective about what concepts or ideas may mean, you like to believe what you can see. The material and physical tell you all you need to know about an object or person's physical and mental condition.

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7. Psychometry


If your result was psychometry, then you have an ability to gain insight into a person, object, or situation simply through physical contact with an object. Professor Diane Hennacy Powell, author of The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena, writes that psychometry allows you to derive critical information from everything you see and touch. This means you are a very sensual, in-tune person. You are bursting with feelings, sensations, and life.

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8. Animal Telepathy


If your result was animal telepathy, this means you can easily gain insight into the mind of an animal by means other than sensory perception. There's a high chance that you are greatly aware of the "states" of those around you — especially your furry or feathered friends! It's important to you to know how others feel, and how they would react in difficult or drastic situations. You're easily able to identify the different states of mind someone could be in, whether that be emotional, mental, or psychological.

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9. Clairsentience


If you got clairsentience — the ability to sense physical and emotional states without using the normal five senses — then you are clearly aware of the history of objects and places. Without having ever visited a spot before, you can sometimes feel its history. You tend to have a great appreciation for people who have made pivotal decisions in the past, and for sites on which these decisions took place. You value tradition, and you love antiques.

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10. Energy Manipulation


If your result was energy manipulation — the ability to shape, manipulate, or create the energy or atmosphere that you're in — this means you're attuned to the concept of give-and-take relationships, and the strengths and weaknesses of everyone around you. This makes you not only intuitive to the actions that others are about to take, but it also allows you to potentially change the outcomes of events.

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11. Intuition

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If you got intuition — a direct perception of the truth without relying on any reasoning — then you often have overpowering gut feelings and sensations about people and situations. Psychiatrist Carl Jung once proposed that intuition is one of four ways that humans process the world. Even further still, it has certainly played a great role in scientific, artistic, and industrial breakthroughs. You often successfully utilize your intuition to better your own situation, or the outcomes of your own actions.

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12. Precognition


If your result was precognition — also called "future sight," or "second sight" — then you are able to predict events that will happen in the future. The outcomes of events can often be interpreted and transpired through means other than telepathy. Throughout history, many cultures have used dreams to derive meaning and foresight about the future. Likewise, many elements of your dreams translate directly into your life — even if they're not there to predict the future — and reflect the strength of your beliefs and faith.

Please SHARE if you learned something new about yourself, and to compare your results with family and friends!