Do you have Sunday dinner with your family?
In my half-Italian, half-British family, the Sunday lunch or dinner meal is a big deal. Both the Italians and the British love their weekend meals, so, combined, we have quite the feast to close our weekend out.
In the UK, Sunday dinner is often referred to as a "Sunday roast." Families will have a big meal together or head down to the local pub for some comfort food and good times.
The Sunday roast is a longstanding tradition across the pond, and nearly everyone takes part.
People love their roasts so much that there are even local Facebook groups dedicated to them! Inside one of those Facebook groups is where this touching story begins.
Thumbnail Photo: Facebook / Pat Obyrne // Instagram / rubharbpai
[H/T: DailyMail]

This is Pat. She lives in Brighton, England, and recently joined the "Brighton and Hove Sunday Roast" Facebook group.

Pat's first post in the group quickly got people's attention.
Pat opened up to the group of strangers, saying that she is disabled and lonely. She lives by herself, without a car, so she doesn't get to have a big roast dinner like she'd prefer to.

Pat's post is pretty heartbreaking — but what happened in response to it is tear-jerking.

First, one woman offered to pick Pat up for Sunday roast.

Then, another

And another.

And more.

One local pub even offered to provide Pat's meal on the house!

Pat had so many offers lined up for Sunday lunch that I think she'll have plans every day for the rest of the month.
She mentioned that she has been "denied access" to her grandchildren and seems cut off from the rest of her family, so I'm sure her new, adoptive friends and family mean so much to her.

Hopefully, Pat will get to enjoy a proper Sunday roast with her new friends and not feel lonely any longer.
Please SHARE this heartwarming story on Facebook!