This company is called Thrive and I believe that it embodies the name beautifully. When Karissa Bodnar lost her best friend to cancer, she was inspired to make something that could help people.
She remembers how her best friend, Kristy, thrived through cancer and she knows that all women deserve to feel they can do the same.
At only 26 years old, Bodnar has become a successful female entrepreneur with a makeup company that she can be proud of. Her line of "causemetics" is much more than lipstick and lashes.
Bodnar calls it "causemetics" because her company and products are made for women battling cancer.
For every product that is purchased, another is donated to a woman going through cancer treatment.
Every single product is named after a woman that has thrived through cancer, and all of them are made to help women feel good about themselves, whether healthy or not.
Some women who have lost their hair aren't able to wear fake eyelashes because they have nothing to grip on to, or they flop downward. That problem is said to be solved with Bodnar's lashes because they are flexible and easy to apply.
Bodnar has created a company that helps women feel beautiful again after going through life-changing health problems, and there is truly nothing better than that…
Please SHARE this amazing company to spread the word and get more people to try it out so that more women battling cancer can too!