The day you graduate from high school, you go through a roller coaster of emotions. For the most part, you are happy to be done with high school and excited to start your new journey as an adult, with so much promise and adventure ahead. But with that excitement and happiness also comes nerves and probably a little bit of anxiety as well.
You are now officially an adult. Whether your parents continue to help you out, or you are totally on your own, realizing that you will no longer have the safety and comfort of going to school with the same people you have gone to school with for the past four years (and a lot of times for much longer than that) can cause you to be a little bit scared for what the future may hold.
As with any other scary or nerve-wracking event in your life, it never hurts to have a little humor to lighten the situation, and make you forget all your worries so that you can truly enjoy the special moment.
Like Becky Lint, the valedictorian who sang her own rendition of Frozen's "Let It Go," this Valedictorian and new graduate decides to sing a funny song to wrap up the ceremony with the help of a friend.
Singing the "Graduation Song" by Youtubers Rhett and Link, Tim Scaletta and Alex Mohr add a little comedy to all of the things that go through a graduates head, and make this graduation ceremony one for the books!
If you remember your high school graduation, please SHARE!
Source: Tim Scaletta and Alex Mohr sing "The Graduation Song" by LittleThingsVideo on Rumble