While growing up, some of you may remember your after-school hangout spaces. Maybe it was a friend's house, or a corner store grabbing snacks, or roaming the neighborhood with a group of kids. Apparently, nowadays, Sephora has become the it spot for tween girls, and it's causing quite the problem.
Ten-year-old girls are literally taking over the beauty store to make online content about "getting ready" or "getting unready" and their behavior has been looked at as largely out of control, to the point where people are starting to look at this as a parenting issue.
According to the stories, tweens are running loose in Sephora stores while using up all the sample makeup, making messes, and even verbally abusing employees and customers. Excuse me?! And ultimately, it's the parents who are getting blamed for their unruly behavior.
"We have a responsibility as a brand, but part of this is a parenting issue," said Tiffany Masterson, founder of skin care brand Drunk Elephant. "When do you allow your kids on social media? Do you allow your kids to storm Sephora with your credit card?"
More from LittleThings: Child Destroys $1,300 Worth Of Makeup At Sephora And Angry Shoppers Call Out Mom Out
"I think it's a mix of parents and I think it's a mix of social media," Olivia Vaphiades, a former Sephora employee stated. "When you grow up and you see all these pretty influencers who have a large following using these expensive skin care products — and their skin looks great — I think the younger girls see that and they say, 'OK, well I need that so that I could look like them.'"