Powerful Women Are Campaigning To Ban This B-WORD… Ladies, How Does It Make You Feel?!?

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO and well known boss-lady has started a new campaign that is catching a lot of people’s attention. In the video below, young women explain why we need to change the words we use to describe them… or they’ll never reach the top in their chosen fields. The movement – BAN BOSSY – has even recruited Beyonce to rally behind the cause!. When this video first grabbed my attention, I honestly thought there were quite a few other words we should ban first, but now I’m thinking the women might have a point! Young girls need to encouraged, not put down and I’m for anything that discourages bullying. However, part of me assumes this might be personal for someone like Sandberg, who has likely been profiled few more times than the rest of us! How does BOSSY make you feel? Please comment below and SHARE this video with all the women in your life!