Use A Pencil Eraser And Paint To Make Your Kids’ Notebooks Colorful And Fun

As the school year approaches fast, there is only so much time left for fun creative activities!

Soon, your kids will be swapping out the summer projects you'd been doing for homework, sports, band practice, and all those other pesky school-related activities.

One final fun thing to do with them before putting them on that bus is helping decorate their notebooks! Why send them off to school with boring, old notebooks — the same ones every of their classmates will have?

YouTube Blogger NataliDoma DIY has the perfect DIY tutorial for creating a rainbow notebook cover! All you need to recreate this is acrylic paint and a pencil with an eraser.

OK, you need a bit more than that. You need a lot of patience to pull off this piece of art! It's not clear how much time is spent on this, but NataliDoma_DIY creates each dot with painstaking ease.

The good part about this DIY is that it doesn't require much of an artistic hand. All you need is the patience to dip the eraser in the paint hundreds of times to make the perfect rainbow. Will you try this, or do you think your kids would enjoy it?

If you enjoyed this, then you will also like these back-to-school-inspired notebook nails!

Don't forget to SHARE this idea with any parents who would love to do this for their kids before school starts!