Is your house bursting at the seams with a bunch of perfectly good items that you simply don't know where to put?
Why not donate it?
Unless you're looking to simply drop off your clothes at a consignment store for a meager sum of cash, you might get much greater satisfaction from donating them to a good cause!
It's not just clothes that muck up the works in an organized household, though. There are endless things that are needed by countless organizations.
If you're overwhelmed and don't know where to start, here are 10 places you can donate your old belongings to that will give you a solid start!
Have you ever thought to donate old items from around the house before? Is it time for another round of spring cleaning? It's amazing how quickly all that unnecessary stuff builds up!
Please SHARE this helpful list with your family and friends on Facebook!
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1. People Of All Ages Need Your Old Shoes
Across the country (and the world), there are people both young and old without access to running shoes. That makes it very hard to stay fit and active, which is incredibly important.
One World Running is one organization that has donation locations all across the country, where you can drop off new or nearly new running shoes. They will clean them and distribute them across America and countries in need around the world, such as Belize and Cuba.
2. Low Income Families Need Your Old Bikes
Bikes for the World is one organization that will take your used bikes, bike parts, and bike accessories and put them to good use. They will refurbish old bikes and make them useable again so that low income families have access to better transportation.
Having a bike can seriously make a world of a difference for someone who only otherwise has access to their own two feet. If you have a bike or bike parts to get rid of, consider seeing if there is a drop-off location near you.
3. Families Of Children With Intellectual Disabilities Need Your Old Furniture
If helping those with disabilities, as well as their families, is high up on your list, your old "junk" might be useful. There are certain organizations that will take your furniture, clothing, and even your old cars, and distribute them to folks with disabilities like autism.
The Arc is one such organization. It has over 700 chapters across the country — see if there is one near you!
4. Military Families Need Your Old Books
Members of the military and their families need a lot of support from us. A simple way that we can support them is by donating books.
One thing a program called Operation Paperback collects is children's books. They ship them to deployed service members so that they can read to their kids back home, over webcam. It's a small gesture, but one that can make a world of a difference. You can mail the books right from your own local post office.
5. Newborn Babies Need Your Old Thread And Fabric
Unexpected or unplanned babies in lower income homes often leave Mom wondering how she will possibly care for the child.
There are plenty of programs that will take donations of just about anything from thread, fabric, and ribbon, to baby clothes and toys. Newborns in Need is just one of them, and they have chapters all across the country at which you can send or drop off your donations.
6. First Responder Units Need Your Old Toys
One of the many things that first responders do on the job is to comfort children involved in traumatic situations. Firemen, policemen, and paramedics need materials with which they can comfort children on the scene.
You can donate stuffed animals, games, coloring books and small toys to organizations like Project Smile that will distribute your items where they are needed most.
7. Impoverished Children Need Your Old Sports Equipment
Can you imagine a childhood with no way of getting out and being active? In impoverished countries and cities, kids need sports equipment to be, well, children! Kids need the opportunity to engage in these physical activities and to play with each other.
You can donate any new sports equipment to an organization called Sports Gift by shipping a box from your very own post office. If you only have used equipment, there's a place for that, too! You can schedule a pickup form your very own home and clear out your garage all at the same time.
8. Vietnam Veterans Need Your Old Clothing
If you have the common smattering of clothes and furniture in good condition, but you simply don't have room for it anymore, Vietnam Veterans of America wants it!
You can schedule a pickup to donate a whole wide range of items, and the profits from those items will go towards programs that support Vietnam veterans across the country.
9. Children Born With Addiction Or Illness Need Your Old Blankets
Children who are born HIV positive, with drug addictions inherited from their mothers, or with terminal illness need a little bit of extra love growing up. Even something as simple as a donated blanket can help them feel like there are people out there that care for their well-being and happiness.
A program called Binky Patrol distributes homemade blankets to children in these situations. You can donate your unused fabric and yarn to the cause, as they need blankets of all shapes and sizes. You can find a chapter near you if you would like to contribute in any way.
10. Unemployed Parents Need Your Old Business Attire
If you have a whole backlog of business attire that is out of season but in great shape, or if you simply don't fancy it anymore, you can seriously change the life of someone else in need.
Getting a job isn't easy, and it's even harder when you don't look the part. Without access to business attire, lower income folks basically don't have any shot at getting a job and working their way to a better life.
You can donate your gently used clothes for women to Dress for Success at any number of their affiliate locations across the country.
Did you know about any of these places you can donate your household items to? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!